Welcome to Tramitalia
Legal advice in Yucatan
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We are your best option in legal advice and legal procedures.
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About us

Its partners together have more than 20 (twenty) years of experience in the real estate sector and in the exercise of property law, this term referring to the right that provides security and legal certainty to all those operations in which there is a flow of money or goods susceptible to being traded, debt settlements.

Our partners


Degree in Law


Degree in Law

What do we do?

At TRAMITALIA our specialty consists of giving written form, complying with the formalities required by law for the production of the desired legal effects, providing security and legal certainty to your operations and thus protecting your economic interests.


Our main services

We are here to help you!

We are located in Sach Mérida. 20 St. #438, Col. México.

Contact us

Licenciatura en Derecho.
Anáhuac Mayab University. Professional Certificate
7700371 Generation 2007 – 2012.

Legal adviser. June 2017 to today.

  •  As an advisor in the legal area, my main function consists of the development of legal strategies aimed at seeking the formalization of the legal effect sought by clients such as collection of delinquent credit instruments, ways of calling meetings, shareholders' rights, characteristics of credit titles, preparation of share titles, ruling on rights and obligations derived from instruments such as sentences, contracts and administrative resolutions, focusing mainly on commercial, notarial, and corporate law issues.
    and familiar.

Specialist. October 2015 – May 2017.

  • In the position of specialist in the fiduciary legal area, I carried out various activities related to the constitution of various types of trust contracts (real estate, risk investment, assets, etc.), activities that range from the presentation of possible businesses to the trust committee to the preparation and coordination of signatures of the instruments resulting from the negotiations, always carrying out the aforementioned activities with respect for the client and the Bank's colleagues, as well as with responsibility and diligence.
  • Among my most notable functions is to enforce customer identification policies through the application of the policies established by the Bank for the identification of those mentioned under the provisions of the fourth paragraph of article 115 of the Law of Credit Institutions, the review and ruling of legal documents necessary for the constitution and signing of contracts, as well as the assessment of the legal scope implied by the documents related to trust contracts (review of social constitutions,
    assemblies, powers, registrations in the different public registries, ruling on powers for signatures).
  • I carried out, from the legal department, a variety of legal analyzes regarding the review of the legal aspects of the assets (real estate, sources of money, assets in kind) that were about to be transferred to the bank in “trust assets” with the in order to protect the investments of the businessmen involved. All this was done by verifying, in coordination with notaries and other specialized professionals, the legal facts surrounding the asset that was going to be transferred to the bank, identifying the entire legal scenario of the asset or money to be received, making it a healthy legal investment.


  • Corporate lawyer October 2013 – October
  • I carried out a variety of legal analyzes regarding the review of legal aspects that could affect Grupo Inmobilia.
  • Assist the other departments (accounting, marketing, commercial control, among others) of the group in terms of legal advice that they may need, and that is specific to the operation and purpose of each department.
  • Carry out the operational functioning of trust contracts.
  • Coordination of litigation law firms, public notaries and government managers so that the legal acts necessary to prevent, protect, safeguard and defend the interests of the group are carried out quickly and efficiently.
  • I assisted the Legal Department in making decisions regarding the legal functioning of various legal devices for the benefit of the group.
  • I closed several operations with group clients, translating said transaction closures into sales.
  • I trained the group's legal assistants.

Spanish and English.

Corporate, financial, patrimonial and succession law.



Anáhuac Online

  • Diploma in Digital Law | 2022

Anahuac Mayab University

  • Law Degree | June 2008 – November 2012



I have experience in various work areas, I specialize in property law and I have experience in other legal areas as well as the operational area of ​​companies for managing personnel and creating work flows to improve processes and carry out projects.
I am a person who always seeks to empathize with others and who will try to solve any problem through dialogue, planning and teamwork.



Owner Tramitalia.Legal Firm

  • I am currently the owner of an office specialized in Property Law in Col. México, in Mérida, Yucatán.
Administrator QDRO Advisors Inc.
QDRO Advisors Inc. | April 2023 – Present
  • I currently work for a firm in New York remotely as an administrator and training to carry out pension and retirement fund division projects in cases of separations or divorces.


Legal and Operation Director

Hectares Verdes Producer Group S de RL de CV | January 2014 – December 2019

  • Coordinate the constitution of legal entities.
  • I worked in the import and export of agricultural machinery.
  • I managed an agricultural operation/production of more than 700 hectares, reaching production levels never before seen in the Southern Cone area of ​​Yucatán. They interviewed us from UNAM because of the good performance that the company demonstrated in the area.
  • Work with ejidal communities to rent and purchase land in the municipalities of Tekax, Tzucacab and José Maria y Morelos.
  • I received and provided training for corn and soybean production from North Dakota producers.

Deputy Legal Director

Yucatan Country Club | April 2012 – December 2014

  • I managed the entire legal field of the different developers and real estate companies as well as the condominium administrator.
  • I developed and adapted operational processes for the acquisition of properties by clients and recovery of overdue loans.
  • Work on the legal paperwork for the development of new real estate projects such as Country Towers, Vía Montejo, Aldea Zama, Parque Central, etc.



  • Management of operations and procedures before private and public entities, such as: banks, financial institutions, notaries, Public Registry, Cadastre, RAN,
    Agrarian Attorney, SAGARPA (now SADER), CONAGUA, CFE, SEDER,
    SEMARNAT, SAT among other.
  • Development of legal and operational strategies.
  • Drafting documents and contracts of all types.
  • Mediation skills.
  • Development of workflows to make processes and projects more efficient and effective.



  • Advanced English
  • Microsoft Office
  • Canva
  • Chat GPT

Contracts, Agreements and Agreements Creation Service

By hiring this service you will obtain the guarantee of putting all types of agreements in writing with the insertion of all the formalities and going through the protocols and records required by law so that your agreements are safe and valid before the authorities, which will guarantee its exact compliance, thus protecting your interests and assets.

Base rate from $6,000.00 mexican pesos


  • 5 hours of legal service
  • 1 hour additional review (post-approval)
  • Additional Hour $1,200.00 mexican pesos
    Requirements to request the service:


  1. Payment of base rate or advance based on the budget sent
  2. Letter of intent (if applicable)
  3. If we do not have CDI, we offer the writing service based on the additional hourly rate of $1,200 mexican pesos.
  4. Identification of the parties involved, proof of address, CURP, CSF, birth and marriage certificates (if applicable).
  5. Service agreement or quote signed by the client

Procedures before authorities

Depending on the level of authority, whether municipal, state or federal, we support you with your government procedures, thus avoiding a waste of time and patience.

Initial Rate from $5,000.00 mexican pesos

Requirements to request the service:

  1. Payment of base rate or advance based on the budget sent
  2. Delivery of the requested documentation based on the type of procedure.
  3. Identification of the parties involved, proof of address, CURP, CSF, birth and marriage certificates (if applicable).
  4. Service agreement or quote signed by the client

Intestate or Notarial Inheritance, Asset Administration in case of death or incapacity

By hiring this service you will be able to resolve issues related to inheritance, as well as ensure the future of your assets through one of the following ways

  • Will writing, understanding this document as the last will of its author for the purposes of simply transmitting his assets to a certain person. In this process, the intervention of public notaries is required by law.
  • Drafting of property trusts, with this financial legal figure, given that by law some of the entities of the Mexican financial system authorized by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit intervene to serve as trustees, the person who opens a trust contract entrusts a certain banking institution or SOFOM authorized to This is the administration of their assets, transmitting their assets as fiduciary property so that when the person is missing, whether due to total or partial disability or death, their liquid resources, securities, accounts and other assets, are managed and delivered in the ways agreed upon in the contract, such as, for example, when your children enter university, the established percentage will be given to them. Some of the benefits of this figure are the following:
    • You avoid succession procedures before courts or notaries public.
    • Claridad respecto al destino y forma de gestión de tu patrimonio; en algunos casos, los recursos aportados se pueden invertir para que los mismos produzcan rendimientos en lo que llega el tiempo de transmitir su propiedad a tus beneficiarios.
    • You protect your assets by transmitting it as trust property and ensure the manner and percentages in which your assets will be transmitted to your beneficiaries.
    • You always have the option to modify and/or revoke the contract.
  • Execution of wills, either through notarial and/or judicial means, as appropriate according to the case.
  • The processing of intestate succession trials, for the case in which the owner of certain assets at the time of death has not left any testamentary disposition or trust.

Base rate from $6,000.00 mexican pesos


  • 5 hours of legal service.
  • Quote with Notary Public and/or the Trustee, as appropriate.
  • Documentation analysis
  • 1 hour additional review (post-approval)
    • Additional Hour $1,200.00 mexican pesos

Requirements to request the service:

  1. Payment of base rate or advance based on the budget sent
  2. Delivery of documentation consisting of birth, death, marriage certificates, property deeds, securities, credit titles, policies, invoices, bank contracts and all those documents that record the ownership of the assets to be inherited.
  3. Identification of the parties involved, proof of address, CURP, CSF, birth and marriage certificates (if applicable).
  4. Service agreement or quote signed by the client

Judicial Information, Voluntary Jurisdiction

Voluntary jurisdiction includes all acts in which, by provision of the law or by request of the interested parties, the intervention of the judge is required, without any issue being promoted or promoted between specific parties.

The purpose of the intervention of the judge, or notary if applicable, is to demonstrate the existence of facts or acts that have produced or are intended to produce legal effects and from which no harm is caused to a known person, as well as to regulate with certainty. legal situations, in those cases in which there is uncertainty, or it is important to justify some fact or prove a right in which the person who requests it has no interest.

This procedure is useful, for example, for people who, according to their identification and records, have different ways of writing their names, for the purposes of proving to the authority that requests them that they are the same person or also to give legal form to certain facts by obtaining a ruling or document with all the effects of the law.


Base rate from $6,000.00 mexican pesos


  • 5 hours of legal service
  • 1 hour additional review (post-approval)
  • Additional Hour $1,200.00 mexican pesos


Requirements to request the service:

  1. Payment of base rate or advance based on the budget sent
  2. Identification of the parties involved, proof of address, CURP, CSF, birth and marriage certificates (if applicable).
  3. Service agreement or quote signed by the client

Real estate investigation service

By hiring this service you will obtain total legal certainty, thus protecting your assets, at the moment you decide to acquire, sell, rent, transfer or in any way carry out or agree on a certain operation or negotiation regarding a property, house, apartment, condominium. and any other type of real estate, covering your transaction with the corresponding legal formality so that it meets all the requirements required by law and you are protected.


Base rate from $6,000.00 mexican pesos


  • 5 hours of legal service
  • 1 hour additional review (post-approval)
    • Additional Hour $1,200.00 mexican pesos


Requirements to request the service:

  1. Payment of base rate or advance based on the budget sent
  2. Delivery of documentation consisting of simple copies of the following documents: cadastral certificate, property deeds, last property payment, electricity and/or drinking water receipt.
  3. Identification of the parties involved, proof of address, CURP, CSF, birth and marriage certificates (if applicable).
  4. Service agreement or quote signed by the client
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